Ring Doorbell-Camera Company Partners Up with over 400 Police Departments
According to multiple reports, the doorbell-camera company Ring, is said to be partnering with over 400 police departments across the country. The new partnership allows police to access camera footage from residents’ doorstep creating a “new neighborhood watch.” However legal experts caution Americans about this partnership and the far-reaching surveillance that this deal entails.
Source: sfgate.com

Dee Beasley is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of FreshAsFrankie.com. After starting out as a musician-producer he went on to study the music business and work in Urban Promotions, followed by artist management. Mr. Beasley entrepreneurial spirit has led him to launch numerous businesses in music and fashion marketing. He’s a huge fan of the ’80s and ’90s Hip Hop and R&B, and he’s a firm believer that Hip Hop Music will never die.