(FreshAsFrankie) When former NFL player Colin Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem, it sparked much support as well as backlash.
Today, NFL players and other professional athletes have joined in on protesting during the national anthem. Even owners and coaches have shown support. Because of the protests, other organizations like the California branch of the NAACP have gone on to question the national anthem — asking for the anthem’s usage to end.
California branch President Alice Huffman spoke to CBS Sacramento, saying “It’s racist. It doesn’t represent our community. It’s anti-black. This song is wrong. It shouldn’t have been there. We didn’t have it ’til 1931, so it won’t kill us if it goes away.”
Huffman spoke on Kaepernick’s protest message, and how it got lost when different parties started to debate about the flag. “This not about the flag. We love the flag. This about a song that should never have been the national anthem,” she said. Huffman went on to say “This country is a country that has shared values, and the more we respect each other, the better off we’ll be as a country.”
Source: cnsnews.com

Dee Beasley is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of FreshAsFrankie.com. After starting out as a musician-producer he went on to study the music business and work in Urban Promotions, followed by artist management. Mr. Beasley entrepreneurial spirit has led him to launch numerous businesses in music and fashion marketing. He’s a huge fan of the ’80s and ’90s Hip Hop and R&B, and he’s a firm believer that Hip Hop Music will never die.