(FreshAsFrankie) Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett recently spoke with ESPN about his appreciation for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Bennett discussed the movement’s impact on him personally and why he feels it’s so important while examining his Black Lives Matter hat. “This hat means a lot to me,” said Bennet. “You talk about Philando Castille, you talk about Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown. This hat says it all. Through American history, we’ve been shown that black lives don’t matter. We were slaves for 400 years. We didn’t have rights until 1960. The last hanging in America was [in the 1960s].” Bennett feels like blacks are not given the same opportunities as other races and said it’s a scary time when blacks are being killed and the person who murdered them is not convicted of the crime. “It just shows you that, as much as we think times have changed, times haven’t really changed,” he continued. “So we have to keep reminding you that black lives matter. Because every day when we wake up, we’re reminded that black lives don’t matter.” Bennett has spoken about social justice in the past on outlets like The Breakfast Club.
The clip comes just after the star football player was wrongfully profiled by police who he alleges threatened his life.

Dee Beasley is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of FreshAsFrankie.com. After starting out as a musician-producer he went on to study the music business and work in Urban Promotions, followed by artist management. Mr. Beasley entrepreneurial spirit has led him to launch numerous businesses in music and fashion marketing. He’s a huge fan of the ’80s and ’90s Hip Hop and R&B, and he’s a firm believer that Hip Hop Music will never die.